Wednesday 9 March 2011

(Pre-Production) Feedback Analysis of Animatic Story Board

The feedback I received for my animatic story board was:

I like the storyline, you can imagine how it will turn out, however sound could have been used to create more of a mood.

I think the storyline looks very good. I like how you have added extra information on the shots for example "*yawns*" giving the audience more information about whats happening :)

From the comments above, we received positive comments about the storyline and how I have added extra information in the shots such as dialogue to give the audience a better understanding of my opening sequence. These positive comments give me an impression that my opening sequence should run smoothly because they understand the storyline from the pictures.

One of the comments mentioned that I could have used sound to create more of a mood. To an extent, I agree with this. At 1:44 of my opening sequence, music of a piano begins to play to create sympathy for the protagonist as soon as she messed up her lines at the audition. Perhaps, I could have added music towards the beginning of my opening sequence to set a mood for the audience and give them an idea of what the opening sequence is going to be about.

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