Wednesday 29 September 2010

Continuity Exercise

Good points about my work:
Even though it was my first time editing and filming a couple shots, I thought I did a good job. It was an enjoyable exercise and I gained some experience. The sound effects I put on was the heartbeat and creaking door. This made the film seem more realistic and build tension for the audience. The heartbeat sound also gave us an insight on how the boy must be feeling if he gets late for his detention. I thought the match on action cut ran smoothly and the cutaway gave the film more of a dramatic effect.

Not so good points about my work:
There were a few things about my film that didn't go so well. While filming, we could have used more shot variation because most of the film had mid shots. The film didn't finish to the point where it was suppose to and some shots needed to be re-shot.

Targets/Improvements I would make:
To improve, I would've continued to shoot more stuff even though I was mainly directing and re-shoot the clips that need to be done again but we didn't get the time. I would also use more shot variation than mid shots most the time. Also I would've made sure some clips were filmed a bit longer. I would also need to practice filming and editing so my techniques get better.

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